
Working at Borsboom & Hamm

Working at Borsboom & Hamm means getting down to business in a professional working environment in which the focus is on extensive training, hard work, and a positive feeling towards clients and justice. Our office has a first-class (technical) knowledge infrastructure at its disposal, and our lawyers are trained to specialise in one or two areas of expertise. Our staff and (the quality of) our product have to meet high requirements.

There is a nice working atmosphere at our office: it is customary to drop into one another’s rooms for consultations, and our staff meet up regularly after office hours too. A number of activities are organised, and membership of professional associations is a requirement.


Besides their duties in general practice, trainee lawyers will receive specialist training in one or two legal areas to be determined at a later date. Each trainee lawyer is assigned to an experienced colleague (supervisor), who will be largely responsible for the relevant training and supervision. The compulsory professional training and all other training courses (including in-house courses) are paid for by our office.

There are also plenty of training facilities available for auxiliary staff.
The salary for trainee lawyers exceeds the salary recommended by the Netherlands Bar Association. We are also willing to consider individual arrangements in certain cases.

Interested in working at Borsboom & Hamm?

If you are interested in a job at Borsboom & Hamm, please send a letter with your CV, list of marks and final thesis (if applicable) to Suzanne Nieborg

or to one of our lawyers. Confidentiality guaranteed. Your application will be anonymised during the assessment process. You can also call us for information: +31(0)10-201 29 39 (Suzanne Nieborg, office manager) or contact one of our lawyers.